Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Blog open to all of you...

Woo Hoo!!! I finally found the "Settings/Permission" buttons (thanks Vreni for pointing me in the right direction) to open up the blogging to all of you. It was pure luck that I literally stumbled across it, hopefully I won't have to find it again as I doubt I can... the teenager in this house got stumped on this one and was no help at all, although I think the lure of the X-Box over persevering with this was too much for him, so one up to me! Yipee! doesn't happen very often!

Hopefully you will all get this and can now blog as you like.  Just a note that we may have to change Wendy and Margaret's email addresses as btinternet seems to be causing a few issues with emails bouncing back. I have made contact with Wendy through her work email but I think I will have to contact Margaret the old fashioned way and write to her requesting an alternative email address.  She probably thinks we are a boring bunch as she hasn't heard a peep from us, then receives a parcel in the mail!  Maybe she will be able to see the blog but then again maybe not as Wendy didn't get the link sent to her for the blog. Either way I hope to have the problem resolved soon so that she feels part of the group.

Margaret, if you read this, sorry about the issue we are having with btinternet but if possible could you send an alternative email address please?


  1. Well done Susan! By the way; do we post pictures of the blocks we've made, or should it be a surprise for the recipient?

    1. I don't mind, I would be happy to see mine on the blog, but maybe others would prefer the element of surprise? What do you all think?

  2. I think you should try to post it so the rest of us know that it can be done. I tried to add a post but it still won't let me. Jenny
