Saturday, 10 March 2012

Jackie I couldn't resist making two blocks for Karen on your behalf. Here they are. J.

p.s. Marmite update... he stayed two nights then disappeared again on Friday night. This is the fourth time!


  1. I love the shoes just peeping in the bottom of the picture!

  2. Ha ha Ha! Yes, and didn't Joanne have a flip flop last time showing, it might be gum boots next... =)

    I love what you have done with the thin strips Joanne, they look gorgeous! I spoke to Mum this morning and she is tickled pink with them all.

    Would you believe Mum has also borrowed my sister's sewing machine... yes, she is going to try and machine piece. This is a huge step for Mum because she is very much a traditionalist where patchwork by hand vs machine is concerned. But I believe there will be no stopping her once she has got use to using the machine instead of hand piecing... my niece will be ceiling high in quilts! As much as I do like hand piecing the time it takes is just too long when there are so many beautiful quilts to make.

    I hope Marmite gives up this long distance walking soon, I will ask around at work to see if anyone has any ideas/tricks to stop him wondering off.

  3. Fabulous, thanks Joanne.
    Stitches coming out tomorrow and then I'm looking forwards to getting back to normal.

  4. This is a great opportunty for you to try out machine piecing Karen as all the blocks sent to you are done on machine. Good luck with it.

    Marmite has had 5 trips back to the old house now. The last one was another quick one, around 12 hours again. We are now locking him in Acacia's bedroom each night which he must be hating but at least it's keeping him here.

    Must be great to be able to use your right hand again Jackie. J.
