Friday, 21 March 2014

100 Day Creative Challenge Update

100 Days.... almost!

I nearly got there and then we went on 3 1/2 weeks holiday in the South Island, dropping Devin and Acacia off at their universities and then doing some sight seeing. The wheels feel off after about 3 days on holiday. I have 92 blocks made and have been home 10 days and have not started the last 8 as yet.... but I will. Here they are thus far:

The last one I did on holiday is not quite finished - you can see on the left side - it's currently a big hexagon that needs trimming down to a circle and appliquéing on.
There are a few blocks I hate but there are many I love.
It was fun, stressful and challenging all at the same time. A great experience.  Some days I would have several ideas of what to do and then the next no idea - the previous days unused ideas seeming all wrong 24 hours later.
It is certainly going to be a very unique quilt!


  1. That looks amazing, Joanne. I really admired how your perseverance.

  2. As always Joanne amazing work. I love the fresh green fabrics.
